Interactive DancePerformanceConcept „skin“
the idea
“skin” is a concept that invites the audience to an interactive meeting with artists (dancers/movers/musicians/video artists) in a “neutral indoor space” inside a simple performance setting.
This concept proposes the skin as the organ to perceive the dance. The respectful and inviting touch to the audience is the beginning and an important element. It is a concept that allows the audience to sense dance from the inside of the performance. The dance is close, you can touch it and it is touching you.
It is a meeting between dancers and audience through touch, movement, time and space. The audience is integrated into the composition.
It is a physical communication between artists and audience, listening and interacting through the “skin”.
It creates an atmosphere of curiosity, openness, trust and creativity.
The challenge of this concept lays in the invitation for the artists and the audience to have a direct and personal approach to each other and to compose the time:space together.
Der Zuschauer wird Teil einer interaktiven Tanzperformance, in der es zu einer unmittelbaren Begegnung der Tänzer, Musiker, Videasten mit dem Publikum kommt. Die Performance wird von innen her wahrgenommen und so zu einem ganz persönlichen Erlebnis.
Künstlerische Leitung:
Eckhard Müller und Daniela Schwartz
Performer: Leo Bachmann, Christian Glaus, Regula Inauen, Franziska Welti, Fabian Bächli, Martin Kaufmann, Anne Rosset, Susanne Mueller Nelson, Angelika Ächter, Viviana Escale, Angela Stöcklin, Sabine Monn-Brassel, Linda Trolese

photos: Christian Glaus